Examples of use cases
in the airport context

Terminal cleaning

Use Case
Airport terminal cleaning service providers aim to better plan their human resource needs through improved zone-based allocation, adjusting to passenger traffic to ensure more efficient cleaning when it is most needed.

Explore more use cases in european airport terminal areas

Required data sources

  • Passenger and flight forecasts
  • Passenger flow (counting, density)
  • Number of meals served
  • Passagers satisfaction rate


  • Commercial/Retail
  • Airport authority

Projected benefits

  • Productivity
  • Service quality

Passenger and crew transportation

Use Cases

  • A desynchronization occurs between the priority given to baggage unloading and that given to passenger transportation, resulting in passengers arriving on time without their luggage, and bags being delivered without passengers.
  • Information on the availability of crew members for airlines, enabling efficient scheduling and management of personnel for flights, ensuring that crews are ready and available when needed.

Required data sources

  • Baggage unloading priority
  • Milestones for crew transportation


  • Airlines
  • Airport operators
  • Hotel managers

Projected benefits

  • Productivity
  • Service quality

Ground handlers

Use Case
During aircraft preparation, multiple service providers work within a typically short time frame, requiring efficient coordination to ensure timely and seamless operations. Their tasks can be parallel but often need to be synchronized. When an issue arises, it is essential to quickly inform all stakeholders, particularly the Assistant who is responsible for their client airline. An example: retrieving flight information data and baggage delivery milestones is crucial for anticipating potential delays and minimizing their impact.

Explore the turnaround operation use cases

Required data sources

  • Updated flight information
  • Baggage delivery milestones
  • Ground handling milestones
  • Environmental performance


  • Airport operators

Projected benefits

  • IT development costs
  • Operational performance
  • Better punctuality

Car rental

Use Case
A customer heading to Paris pre-books a rental car for their arrival.Cas d’usage
Un client en partance pour Paris préréserve une voiture de location à l’arrivée. But his flight from Manila is delayed at boarding. Since his new arrival time is outside the car rental agency's working hours, they decide to wait for him as an exception. In the end, the passenger was not on the flight, and the agency, unaware of this, stayed open unnecessarily.

Required data sources

  • No-show of passengers on the flight
  • Flight delays
  • Travel time


  • Airlines
  • Airport authority
  • Rentals

Projected benefits

  • Seamless travel
  • Productivity
  • Customer knowledge